10 famous dishes must try when traveling to An Giang


An Giang is a province with a large area both located in the southwestern region and bordering Cambodia. This place is not only charming nature but also a cross-cultural land, with a unique culinary converging the quintessence of many ethnic groups. To travel An Giang , remember to find immediately the following dish slightly.

Classic flexible fish hotpot

The flowering season is also the season when the spirit fish drifted down to An Giang from Bien Ho. Therefore, the classic cotton cooked with Linh fish is considered the specialty of this place. The classic Ganoderma fish hotpot conquers the eaters right from the eye-catching color, the faint aroma and the sour taste of the broth, but not tired, soft and can eat the whole.


Sweet fatty fish meat is eaten with pure fish sauce, making this hotpot even more delicious.

Chau Doc fish noodle soup

Chau Doc fish noodle soup is a famous dish of An Giang tourist land . This dish is sold in many places but the best one is in Chau Doc and Tan Chau. Chau Doc fish noodle bowl has a strong flavor. The broth is cooked from snakehead fish. The fish will be boiled and the meat will be stir-fried with saffron and lemongrass, then stew for a long time with chicken bones.Bun_ca_Yung_vY_Chau_YYc_la_xuyYn_package1.Fish noodles with the right taste of Chau Doc have stirred up many tourists.

Fish vermicelli broth therefore has a characteristic nursery yellow color and a very natural sweet taste. Vegetable prices served with fish noodle soup are very diverse, which can be ground spinach, shredded banana, bean sprouts, laksa leaves and crazy cotton.

Chau Doc fish sauce hotpot

Chau Doc in particular and An Giang in general have long been famous for all kinds of fish sauce, so the dish made from fish sauce here is very diverse, the most famous is the hot pot sauce. Two types of fish sauce commonly used to cook hot pot are sa sauce and fish because of its sweet taste and characteristic aroma. The fish sauce taken out will be simmered with boiling water, then remove the fish flesh leaving only the juice of the fish sauce to dissolve into the water and use lemongrass to reduce the smell to fit your mouth.


Chau Doc fish sauce hotpot is considered a specialty of An Giang land.

Hotpot broth is cooked with basa fish, goby fish, catfish, snakehead fish … depending on the season. Many people also add fish cakes and bacon to add more appeal. A hot pot about to ripen will be added eggplant cut in pieces, cotton balls, crazy, cotton lily … and served with fresh noodles. The fish sauce hotpot dish with the salty taste of fish sauce, the sweetness of fish and vegetables typical for each season in An Giang will create an unforgettable impression in the hearts of visitors from far away to visit this land.

Classic cotton pancakes

Banh xeo is a familiar dish of many regions in the country, but the crazy crazy cotton pancake in Cam Mountain, Nui Sam of Chau Doc – An Giang is special in its own way.


Traveling to An Giang, do not forget to enjoy the classic cotton pancakes.

The special feature of banh xeo is that in the core there is an extra classic of the cake and in the plate of forest vegetables. Clean vegetables on Cam Mountain and Sam mountain such as the leaves of mango trees, perilla vegetables, and all kinds of lettuce will be brought back for use as vegetables to eat with cakes.

Where is the melancholy salad


Where melancholy salad comes from young leaves, where melon flowers.

An Giang not only has classic flowers in the floating season , Bay mountain cows, palm trees along the road, but also has a lot of melancholy trees – a tree with a quite special name. The leaves of this plant are used by the people to make food and gradually become a famous specialty of this place – where melancholy salad. People mix durian leaves with dried snakehead fish or dried grilled chopped fish, boiled bacon thinly with cucumber, tomatoes and then poured fish sauce into a unique dish with all the sour flavors. spicy, salty, bitter.

Jaggery beef cake

The delicious crunchy jaggery is a famous specialty in the floating season in An Giang. From jaggery, you can process many delicious dishes such as palm juice, jaggery beef cake, palm sugar, …


Jaggery beef cake has a beautiful golden color.

Jaggery beef cake has a sweet taste and beautiful yellow color. There are 2 types of beef jerky and beef cake served with coconut water. In which, jaggery beef cake with fat leopard coconut water is very famous in Tan Chau and popular with many tourists.

Tri Ton beef porridge

Tri Ton beef porridge – An Giang is a dish rich in mountain flavors because it has a rich sweet taste, and is delicious, different from the porridge bowl in the delta. The beef used to cook porridge must be the native beef (beef raised in the Bay Nui region) to taste and be soft enough. The beef porridge is cooked with the fragrant, sticky, sweet and fragrant Khmer squirrel season rice rice, together with palm juice, creating a distinctive feature. Want to enjoy delicious beef porridge, you should visit Tri Ton town or Chau Lang commune, Tri Ton district, An Giang province.


Tri Ton beef porridge is considered a ‘unique’ beef porridge in Vietnam.

Tan Chau silkworm cake

Anyone who has come to Tan Chau –  An Giang tourism , once tasting the silkworm cake, it will be impossible to forget the delicious taste of the meat skin and the rich and delicious cake in the plate. Silkworm cakes are bread fibers made from flour that are crunchy and fatter than banh canh.


Silkworm cake is often served with bacon, grilled meat and skin.

When eating, fill with fatty coconut milk and sweet and sour fish sauce. This dish is a combination of salty, fatty, sweet duck and spicy chili.

Xoi bulging Cho Moi

In the Cho Moi area, An Giang has a very special dish: fried sticky rice with roasted chicken. Unlike normal sticky rice, puffed sticky rice here is made with a special recipe. Glutinous rice used to make sticky rice is cooked with beans and mashed together to make a smooth and smooth mixture. After mixing the spices well, each slice of sticky rice is fried in a pan of oil. Xoi will bulge to form a fancy sphere. In particular, the only pan used to fry puffed sticky rice is a cast iron pan.


Cho Moi’s Xoi puff has a unique sphere shape.

Ca Na pounded

Ca Na Dam is a dish not to be missed when you travel An Giang . The sour taste of the tomato mixed with the pungent taste of chili, the sweetness of sugar … will make visitors just want to eat this snack constantly.


Many places in Chau Doc sell coffee products.
