Delicious dishes from snakehead fish in the Western

Delicious dishes of the Southwest region made from snakehead fish

The land of gardens has long been famous for its poetic lyrical scenery. Traditional dishes that are rich and attractive. Today, let’s go to learn about the delicious dishes of the Southwest region made from snakehead fish .

Delicious dishes of the Southwest region are very rich and diverse. Especially in the Southwest region, there is a fish called snakehead fish, which is processed into many delicious dishes by the people of the Southwest region. Here, Vinlove would like to introduce to you the delicious dishes of the Southwest region made from snakehead fish. You can refer to other Western delicacies.

Bathtub cooking snakehead fish – a delicacy in the Southwest region

If you have the opportunity to visit the West, do not hesitate to try this dish. Surely you will not be able to resist by the delicious taste it brings. The ingredients to make it are extremely simple. Tubs and snakehead fish are ingredients that people can easily find. Just through a few stages of preliminary processing and cooking, you will have a very delicious dish of snakehead fish.

Delicious dishes of the Southwest region made from snakehead fish 1

Snakehead fish cooked in a tub is an extremely easy and delicious dish

Grilled snakehead fish – steamed gourd

The interesting thing when coming to the West is that visitors can experience outdoor activities. Do it yourself and enjoy. You can catch snakehead fish in canals and rivers. Go back and ask the locals to prepare it, then cook the fish yourself. You can wrap the fish with lotus leaves. Then grilled with straw. Grilled fish is served with seasoning sauce, a specialty of the region. Use rice paper to wrap meat and fish with prepared raw vegetables, dipped with seasoning sauce. Grilled snakehead fish is a delicacy in the Southwest region that is loved by many tourists because it has a very special feeling for visitors.

If you don’t like grilling, you can also make steamed snakehead fish. Steamed fish still retains the freshness and natural sweetness of the fish.

Snakehead fish vermicelli – a unique delicacy in the Southwest region

Fish noodles are made from many different types of fish. Each place will have changes to suit the conditions there. However, the most delicious and famous is still snakehead fish noodle soup. Fish vermicelli made from snakehead fish still retains the freshness and aroma of fish, combined with the rich flavor from fish sauce such as Linh fish sauce, choke fish, beef-hoc sauce…

A perfect combination, giving diners an irresistible delicious dish

Delicious dishes of the Southwest region made from snakehead fish

A fish noodle dish made from snakehead fish will bring an extremely special taste

Snakehead fish soup

Snakehead fish porridge with bitter vegetables is the “gut” dish of the people of the West. Porridge is made from common ingredients and specialties of the river. Therefore, visitors can enjoy this dish anywhere in the West. Not only a dish, snakehead fish porridge also has a cooling effect on hot days. Accompanying ingredients, bitter vegetables are bitter vegetables, grown naturally in the home garden. Straw mushrooms with fresh buds, cilantro, thinly sliced ​​fresh ginger, pepper, chili, lemon, bean sprouts…

Steamed snakehead fish

The dish is extremely popular, easy to make, but the taste is beyond reproach. Fish is steamed to retain the inherent natural sweetness of fish meat. The dipping sauce used to eat is made from garlic, chili, delicious fish sauce, sugar, lemon… Through the skillful concoctions of the people, it becomes extremely attractive.

Braised snakehead fish

Braised snakehead fish is extremely popular in the daily meals of the people here. With only one snakehead fish caught in rivers or canals. After a few preliminary steps, put it in the cooking pot. The process of seasoning is quite important to get a mouth-watering dish of braised fish. The fish pot is cooked on the stove with a low flame to ensure that the fish is evenly absorbed.

Delicious dishes of the Southwest region made from snakehead fish 3

Braised snakehead fish – a delicacy in the Southwest region

Snakehead fish sour soup

Referring to the West, people immediately think of the famous snakehead fish sour soup. Still an extremely rustic dish, easy to prepare. A bowl of sour soup with snakehead fish fully converges the inherent quintessence of the cuisine of the garden.

Above are the delicious dishes of the Southwest region made from snakehead fish for your reference, do not forget to enjoy the dishes when coming to the Southwest region. Wishing you a safe and happy trip.