Detailed information about the bus from Hanoi to Ha Long: car company, time and fare

You are looking for a bus from Hanoi to Ha Long, but still do not know the car company, ticket price, and departure time. So let’s refer to the extremely useful information below. 

Notes when taking a bus from Hanoi to Ha Long

From Hanoi to Ha Long has a distance of 170km, you will easily travel by bus with time of about 3-4 hours. Starting from Hanoi, there are many bus companies for you to choose from to move to Ha Long, depending on where you depart. Bus from Hanoi to Ha Long you can depart from Gia Lam bus station, My Dinh bus station, Giap Bat bus station … 
 passenger car from Hanoi to Ha Long - important notesMany choices of car companies move to Ha Long from Hanoi

There are two types of passenger cars to choose from:

– Passenger car 40-45 seats: This car catches passengers along the road, suitable for tourists traveling to Ha Long  in the dust style or wants to save on travel costs. Ticket prices range from 100,000 VND / time. 

– Bed car departure at night 45 seats: Suitable for passengers who want to catch a car along the way, want to move at night and have a place to rest. The price ranges from 230,000 VND / time.

Alternatively, you can go by limousine types 7 – 9 seats and 19 seats. Prices fluctuate 200,000 VND / time. 

Is there any company that takes a passenger car from Hanoi to Ha Long?

1. Ka Long bed car 

  • Departure location: My Dinh bus station
  • Contact: 0367 988 889

This bus company from Hanoi to Ha Long departs from My Dinh bus station. 40-seater vehicle, with full amenities and clean space. The garage only serves 1 trip on the day of departure at 22:00. If you want to move at night to save time, you can choose this garage. Ticket price 230,000 VND / time. 
 passenger car from Hanoi to Ha Long - Ka Long car companyKa Long bed car departs from My Dinh

2. Hoang Phu Car 

  • Departure location: My Dinh bus station
  • Contact: 1900 1730

The garage from Hanoi to Ha Long from My Dinh bus station you can choose Hoang Phu garage. Hoang Phu bus has its own website, so passengers will easily access information about the time and fare. Ticket price 200,000 VND / one way. The 9-seat limousine company will depart for the first trip at 5:00 to 20:00. You should cancel your ticket 4 hours before departure.
 passenger car from Hanoi to Ha Long - Hoang Phu car companyHoang Phu garage service limousin

3. Kumho Viet Thanh

  • Departure location: Noi Bai Airport and My Dinh bus station
  • Contact: 0243 5333 888

Kumho Viet Thanh car company is highly appreciated for its quality, good service and cleanliness, departure on time. Kumho Viet Thanh passenger car includes 45 seats, departing at 5am – 18h30, frequency of 30 minutes / trip. Ticket prices range from 100,000 VND / time. In addition, the garage has a 9-seat limousine with the price of 150,000 VND / time. If you want to choose  a quality bus company from Hanoi to Ha Long  , you can contact Kumho Viet Thanh garage.
 passenger car from Hanoi to Ha Long - Kumho Viet ThanhKumho Viet Thanh is highly rated for quality

4. Hung Duc garage

  • Departure location: My Dinh bus station, Noi Bai airport
  • Contact: 0977 355 355

Choosing a cheap bed car from Hanoi to Ha Long you can choose Hung Duc garage. The advantage of this car company is that it is cheap and serves many routes during the day. Hung Duc car includes 45 seats, departing at 5:30 – 20h45, frequency 1 hour / trip. Ticket prices range from 120,0000 VND / time depending on the time.
 passenger car from Hanoi to Ha Long - Hung Duc car companyHung Duc’s garage from Hanoi to Ha Long

5. Anh Huy Vehicle

  • Departure location: Pick up and receive guests as required
  • Contact: 0911 863 919

From Hanoi to Ha Long passenger car, you can choose Anh Huy garage with quality cars such as Sedona, Toyota Hiace, and Starex that bring luxury and luxury space. Anh Huy car company consists of 7 – 9 seats and 10 seats. Ticket prices range from 220,000 VND / trip and have a frequency of 30 minutes / trip. You should contact 30 minutes in advance to get the car pick up.
 passenger car from Hanoi to Ha Long - Anh Huy car companyAnh Huy car is chosen by many people

6. Ninh Quynh’s car 

  • Departure location: Nuoc Ngam bus station, Long Bien
  • Contact: 0987 108 108

Ninh Quynh garage specializes in providing 9-seat limousines. Departure time from 5:30 to 19:30, frequency 1 hour / trip. Ticket prices range from 200,000 VND / time. In addition to limousines, Ninh Quynh garage also offers free pick-ups. 
 passenger car from Hanoi to Ha Long - Ninh Quynh car companyNinh Quynh’s car is prestige and quality

7. Duc Phuc Vehicle 

  • Departure location: My Dinh bus station
  • Contact: 0203 374 1879

Duc Phuc garage provides 47 seats, departure times in turn at 4:30, 5:15, 6:10, 9.33- and 12:45. Ticket price from 110,000 VND / time. Duc Phuc garage is considered to be on time, clean and has wifi service, drinking water.
 passenger car from Hanoi to Ha Long - Duc Phuc car companyDuc Phuc garage provides 47 seats

Above is a list of bus carriers from Hanoi to Ha Long with information about ticket prices, departure time and contact . Hope to help you easily choose the right car manufacturers for your trip to discover the beautiful coastal city of Ha Long in the near future. 

Photo: Internet