Unique dish “beef mutilated” in the South


 The dish “beef mutilated”, the name sounds strange and startling, but if you enjoy it once, you will feel interesting by the delicious taste.

Western cuisine always attracts tourists near and far by delicious and rich dishes. Thanks to inheritance, promotion, and continuous discovery and creativity, the culinary culture in the West is increasingly rich and diverse. When it comes to the Southwest region, the lack of mutilated or cross-cut beef is a mistake.

In order to have a standard beef dish, the processor must be careful from the first step, which is to choose the cow. Beef is a young cow, not too young, the meat will be mushy and not old because the meat is tough. In particular, many landowners also want to raise and fatten the selected cow by themselves. Usually, the food must be leaves and grass in the plains and valleys with fertile soil, the meat will be whiter and sweeter than usual.

Unique Southern beef dish - 1
Grilled beef jerky. (Photo: foodysaigon).

Cows are cut for blood, clean hair, cut out all intestines and then stuffed into the belly with fragrant leaves such as cloves, lemongrass leaves, perilla…. then sew tight. Put the cow on two large bamboo crosses, 4 legs tied on the four branches of the two bamboos to easily turn over (hence the name crossed cow) and then light the fire and bake until the bundle is golden brown. When eating, people stab the beef with a knife, the meat will follow the heat and turn bright red.

Unique Southern beef dish - 2
Minced beef is dipped with soy sauce or salt and pepper. (Photo: tuilaphatnha).

Southerners often tell each other about the history of this dish. Many years ago, the landowners of the southern reclaimed land used to hold a drinking party right in the garden or in the field during the end of the year or the beginning of the new year. The food for these parties is a whole young cow that is grilled over a charcoal fire. People handed down the dish and has now become a famous specialty. 

With the beef dish, when eating, use a sharp knife to cut each piece of meat you like, eat where you want to cut the meat. When eating, people dip it with soy sauce or salt and pepper. And especially indispensable vegetables, sour star fruit, acrid bananas and a few glasses of wine to enhance the flavor. Follow Dân trí
